Graphics Texture Pack For Mac

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In last week’s we saw how useful vector textures can be to create that aged and weathered appearance, while maintaining a scaleable vector format. So this week I’ve gone ahead and created a pack of new texture files to give you extra choice when grunging up your vector work.

Sep 02, 2014  If you have any questions about downloading or installing a Minecraft 1.8 texture pack for Mac OS X, please let me know in the comments below! Category Science & Technology.

Download these textures along with my for free! Free vector texture pack This free vector pack contains 6 scaleable vector texture graphics. The detail and style varies between each graphic, giving you a choice from subtle grain to full on grunge. How to use the vector textures Each texture graphic is a compound path ready for use with the Pathfinder tool.

Open up your logo or illustration ready for distressing. Ungroup all the objects and create a compound path of all the elements. Copy, paste and scale a texture to cover the whole logo/illustration, then send the texture to the bottom of the stack. Use the Intersect option from the Pathfinder palette to crop the texture to the outline of the logo/illustration. Make a copy of this result then hit CMD+Z to Undo. Delete out the unedited texture and replace it with the cropped texture from your clipboard using the Paste in Front comment (CMD+F). Change the fill to white to create an aged distressed appearance.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT WE ARE DOING ALL OF THIS DURING OUR SPARE TIME. We do our best to add more and more to this guide, but this will take time. Thanks in advance for your patience! IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR ANY ISSUE, PLEASE READ THE FAQ SECTION BEFORE POSTING.

GPUnity handles the texture work and Reshade EVERGREEN handles the technical side of things, like.ini editing and so forth. We take a look at every questions or issues.:) The goal of this guide is to go all out and show the fans of the game how to get the very best experience possible with Arkham Asylum.

Panasonic kx mb2025 driver download. We've allowed some options to let players tailor the game to their taste. We will go in-depth with the three main ways to improve graphics:.

Texture Mods. Configuration File Tweaking. Reshade Shaders We will also discuss just about every great thing we could find online to be able to tweak the game to your liking: Console commands, Play as joker, FOV adjustments and much more. IMPORTANT TO NOTE:. We both own the Steam GOTY version of the game. We're not familiar with other versions of the game, if you encounter any issues with GFWL or non-GOTY then let us know. We're always welcome to reasonable criticism.

It only helps the final results so feel free to comment your opinions. You can use the texture pack without disabling depth of field or using Reshade - and vice versa. Keep the vanilla pallete if you prefer. Take note of your game's install directory. Do this by right-clicking the game in your library. Select 'properties', now go to 'local files' tab.

Select the 'browse local files' option. The game's directory should be revealed in File Explorer. INSTALLATION This is important, and may not be easy to follow. We are working on a more simple solution but this will have to do for now The detail setting in the game launcher is the texture settings. 'Very High' detail settings is nescessary.

You can still choose other individual graphics settings. Something to understand is that the higher the texture quality, the more Graphics Card memory you require. Disabling MSAA anti-aliasing is recommended, as you will save on a lot of graphics memory usage. If you want to eliminate aliasing, you can downsample and/or inject SMAA which is explained in the Reshade section. If you don't know what downsampling is, check out or Memory requirements for the texture pack isn't something we're clear on just yet (not enough GPUs to test).

The texture pack has succesfully been used on an AMD 7850 Graphics Card @900p (didn't use a 1080p monitor), and a GTX 970 Graphics Card@1620p - both cards locking to 60fps. If you do experience a memory limit issue with the texture pack and you have a good amount of graphics memory, check the config tweaking section. If you don't have enough memory, you should still be able to get away with just the suit and cape texture mods. Textures require 'Texmod' to work, and so it ships with the texture pack download. Open Texmod, run the application and select package mode. Select ShippingPC-BmGame.exe as target application. Go to the smaller folder icon and use it to find the downloaded texture files.

Run the game with selected texture(s). Only one cape and one suit can be selected (explained in custom textures section).

Would advise installing the game on your fastest drive. The more textures selected, the longer it will take to load the game. You will have a blank screen until all textures are loaded.

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After the game's loaded, everything should run normally but with the added textures. Config EditingEditing the config is an enhanced way of choosing preferred graphics settings. Increase texture clarity, remove depth of field and improve shadows. This sections also contains some edits that goes further than what the launcher allows you to do. You will need better hardware than the recommended specs to achieve some of these tweaks. Just keep that in mind! is recommended for config edits, but the normal Notepad will do just fine, it's just less readable.

First, set your preferred settings in the game launcher. Apply your settings and quit. Reach your config files: C: Users (You) Documents Square Enix Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY BmGame Config - ALWAYS make a back-up copy of any config files you edit. Keep a backup of your 'vanilla' config file just in case. If any of those tweaks do not apply after launching the game, make sure that your config folder and sub-folders are not set to read-only AND that the game executables have sufficient priviliges to access those folders.

This can be done by setting all the executable of the game located in its root installation folder to 'Launch as Admin' or lower your Windows UAC settings. If any of those line aren't present, you can add them in any order, just add them under the appropriate section, for instance SystemSettings.

If the category itself isn't present either, same deal, you cad add it anywhere. Open BmEngine.ini Press Ctrl+F and search for SystemSettings. Under SystemSettings make the following changes. DepthOfField=False MaxAnisotropy=16 ShadowFilterQualityBias=0 MinShadowResolution=32 MaxShadowResolution=2048 // change to '1024' for faster performance, '3072' or above for better quality ShadowFadeResolution=5 ShadowFilterRadius=5.000000 SkeletalMeshLODBias=-1 ParticleLODBias=-1 // these last two settings affects LoD (Level of Details) which reduces quality of meshes and particles the further the camera is from them.

Graphics Texture Packs For Mac Download


Something far away doesn't need to be as detailed as something which is right in front of the camera. This is made to improve performance, but can introduce some popping.

The -1 settings disable LoD altogether, which is very performance hungry! Press Ctrl+F and search for MemoryPools. Under MemoryPools make the following changes: FLightPrimitiveInteractionInitialBlockSize=1024 FModShadowPrimitiveInteractionInitialBlockSize=1024 // you can use higher values than that but it will makes the loading screens longer, but will reduce textures and static shadow popping. Poolsize=3072 // Depending on your graphics card memory amount, you can change the value. 2gb = 2048, 3gb = 3072, 4gb = 4096 etc.

You can also use non-power of two values, like 1500, 2500. Note that you can go past you VRAM amount, but the game will use virtual memory (mainly pagefile) instead, which is basically using one or more HDD/SSD as VRAM, depending on Windows Pagefile's settings. This is a complicated topic that won't be explained here, but 2048-4096 should be more than enough. Add the Large Adress Aware flag to the.exe of the game. This will allow a 32-bit compiled.exe to use more than 2gb of RAM on a 64-bit system. There are many ways to that, but the easiest way is to use a little software that you can grab It's easy to use, instructions are provided on the linked page and the download link is at the bottom.

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Grab, unzip it anywhere and search for ShippingPC-BmGame.exe which you can find in your game Binaries folder ( Steam steamapps common Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Binaries). Tick the checkbox and apply, that's it. You can always undo by following the same workflow without ticking the checkbox then apply. HIGH FRAME RATEIf you want to unlock the frame rate above 60, then do the following: Press Ctrl+F and search for bSmoothFrameRate=. Change the value to FALSE. Note: SmoothFrameRate is a method that degrades quality and mipmaps streaming when FPS is lower than the MinSmoothedFramerate value.

This happens even on the highest end systems, typically when entering a new zone. Removing SmoothFrameRate decreases texture popping and usually makes the FPS smoother, ironically. In some cases, disabling it might introduce stuttering.

Other Shaders Diffuse Glow Diffuse glow is similar to bloom. A shader designed by Loxa of Reshade's forums.

It has been used to add a warm layer to any brightly lit areas, making it easier on the eyes. You can compare on/off to see which you prefer.

Surface Sharpen Best sharpening shader in Reshade. Shader also by Loxa. Toggle with 'K' in-game to add a degree of sharpening if you prefer. Sharpening filters is usually something to avoid due to its artifacting. Surface sharpen has been used to a careful degree, avoiding any notable artifacting. RESHADE INSTALLATION Reshade 3 required: - Download available at the bottom of the page Open Reshade executable, then locate and select application 'ShippingPC-BMGame' found in 'Steamapps Common Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Binaries ' Select D3D9. When asked which effects to check, uncheck all and select only the following: MultiLUT, SMAA, Borders, CA, FilmGrain (Skilled users can select extra shaders) Copy 'Main' and 'LightMode' preset to: Steamapps Common Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Binaries Copy the 'reshade-shaders' folder to Steamapps Common Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Binaries Overwrite if requested Using Reshade: Open the game, let Reshade load (should be visible at the top of the screen).

Press 'shift+f2' to toggle Reshade menu. Select 'main' or 'lightmode' preset in the dropdown menu. Preset should be applied. 'Page-Up' toggles eye adaptation. 'Page-Down' toggles Filmic mode. 'K' toggles sharpen. You can change the colour grading with the MultiLUT options list: You can also set a global effects hotkey in the settings tab in the menu.

Adding both options Reach your config files - C: Users (You) Documents Square Enix Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY BmGame Config - Make a back-up copy of any config files you edit. Open UserInput.ini Add the line.Bindings=(Name='F1', Command='ToggleGfx') Add the line.Bindings=(Name='F2',Command='fov 90') The name value is the hotkey, you change F1/F2 to your liking.

You can also change fov value. To go even further, you can copy and paste the same fov line and set different fov values to different hotkeys. Save the file. Q: Does all those.ini tweaks applies to City, Origin and Knight too? A: EVERGREEN: For City and Origin, most tweaks applies as well but results may vary, check out the City guide instead (Origin guide to come when City's one is finished).

Knight runs on a custom '3.5' version of Unreal Engine 3, and the.ini files are encrypted. There is some similarities but we didn't try anything ourselves - feel free to try though. As a side note, many.ini tweaks in this guide can be applied to most UE3 games. As always, results may vary! Q: Can you add rain? A: EVERGREEN: This is unlikely, unfortunately. UE3 games are 'cooked' before shipping by devs which locks out the Unreal Editor and most of the time the console as well.

The rain IS present in the game, so if we had access to editor we could add it anywhere, create whole new levels and much more - but again, this is very unlikely because it would require very high programming skills. We're in touch with people that could help to add rain as a new shader, but this is WIP. However, it could be done through hex editing too. If anyone feels like handling that, feel free to get in touch!

Q: Why are you using Texmod? Why textures aren't integrated into the game's files? A: EVERGREEN: Because of how Unreal Engine 3 handles texture streaming.

Basically, there's a lot of.upk files that we can view, unpack and repack just fine. But they only contains metadata, references to the textures themselves which are stored in a big bulky file we can't unpack, called.tfc. This file holds the actual textures and when a.upk is loaded, the engine reads the data in it (memory adresses of textures contained into the.tfc) and displays the according textures.

Texmod is a workaround this system: when a.upk is loaded, it reads the memory adresses and replace them with the textures we edited. We're actively working with many modders involved in UE3 modding. We're trying to get in contact with anyone who's succesfully integrated a texture pack for an UE3 game (Like the guys responsible for the Mass Effect's texture pack). It's a big deal as the game would be able to load instantly, and less graphics memory would be required. It's our main focus right now but it's no easy task, unfortunately.

Enabling PhysX tanks the framerate down, even on Nvidia cards.You need to download and install the LEGACY software PhysX driver. It's NOT the same as the one bundled with usual GeForce driver. Since this Legacy driver runs on CPU, GPU manufacturer doesn't matter. You can grab it

Keep in mind that the texture pack, ReShade, graphic tweaks can also hit performance. Since we both have Nvidia GPUs, please give us feedback if you have an AMD GPU. We want the experience to be as smooth as possible for everyone. The ReShade preset doesn't work/missing effects/ReShade throws an error messageReShade is a shader injector, which means that it needs some separate shaders files to work with. We provide presets for the said shaders.

ReShade is updated very often and sometimes, the authors of the shaders change their names even if the actual visual effect is the same. In this case, ReShade will search for a shader named X while the new one is named Y, so it doesn't know what to do and will give you an error. Please report this kind of errors, they're usually very easy to fix. CREDITS (alphabetical order): Aemony (Steam) - for showing me Steam guides in the first place. Crosire - Reshade developer.

Catspaw & Floobagop - for the Play As Joker mod (quote taken from forum) 'Special thanks to catspaw for his outstanding modding work and to Floobagop for researching and documenting the Mac version of the game.' Hecumarine - responsible for Assassins Creed texture pack and gave me advice on texture packaging. Loxa (reshade forum) - made the surface sharpen and diffuse glow shaders. who helped me gain decent understanding on some of the game engine functions and even gave me tools which may allow me to tweak in-game features a little. MrJAG (youtube) - console commands and save files. OtisInf (reshade forum) - made MultiLUT shader.

Graphics Texture Pack For Mac

PirateKitty (reshade forum) - made the bloom and eye adaptation shaders.. @Question Mark Man it's possible the Reshade texture directory isn't correct? In your Reshade window, in the settings tab make sure the texture paths address is correct.

The end of the address should be: Binaries reshade-shaders Textures If it's a problem editing the LUTs themselves, test with the regular LUT shader to make the process more simple, as it uses a single LUT texture. You can do this by editing the vanilla LUT.png texture found in the texture paths folder. When ready, you can join your LUTs together in the MultiLUT texture. Did you made sure to set your BmEngine.ini in Read Only mode? In case you don't know, just right click the file, go to Properties and there's a checkbox at the bottom.

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This prevents the.ini from being reset by the game when launching it. Also, don't use the Launcher or at least, don't tweak your settings after you manually edited the.ini - set your graphics settings in the launcher, launch the game at least once then close it. Make your edits in the config file, set it to read-only and you should be okay. Let me know if that helps:).