High-power 555 Flyback Driver For Mac

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High-power 555 Flyback Driver For Mac 9,5/10 1526 reviews

Transistor Driven High Voltage Flyback Transformer Page. A Transistor Driven Flyback Transformer Page Email: Link to and index Introduction A very simple road to your basic high voltage generator is the transistor driven flyback transformer. This circuit uses a common flyback transformer (you probably have more than one in your house right now) to boost typical battery voltages up to the multi-kilovolt range. It will make a several thousand-degree continuous 2 cm plasma arc.

The 555 driver is decent enough so try that. Look for 'Eirik's 555 driver basic', i did that one and it gave good results. It can sustain an arc of about 3cm and spark to 7cm with a flyback from a 17' monitor, 4 turns primary and an IRF630 mosfet.

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This page is designed to help you get yours working as quickly and painlessly as possible. The Circuit As you can see this is a VERY simple circuit and when you have all the parts, it takes only a few moments to get working. The Flyback Transformer The main component of the system is the ferrite core flyback transformer. Flyback transformers can be found in any equipment with a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) like televisions or computer monitors.

There are many types of flybacks out there. The really old ones have disc shaped secondarys, removable primarys, no rectification and look like this: Most of the ones you will find today will have a rectified output (DC) and the primary windings will not be removable as they are potted in with some kind of polymer. Any flyback will work in this circuit, but depending on the flyback, the high voltage output may be used for some applications and not others. For example, if you have an old flyback without rectified output or have removed the rectifier in a new flyback, the high voltage output will be radio frequency AC and will work for a plasma globe whereas a rectified output flyback will not. Although with an unrectified flyback you can drive a plasma globe, you cannot charge capacitors. But, with a rectified output you can charge capacitors.

The flyback with the highest output voltage and longest arc that I have ever seen comes from large modern TV's. I have found two like this and bought another like it on ebay.

I'm not sure why it has a green spot painted on it but it is a very distinguishing mark for a great flyback. Windings If you have an old flyback with removable windings, don't be in such a hurry to remove them and wind you own. If there are at least two sets of coils, you can use the original windings with no problems. It would probably work even BETTER than winding your own coils (I've never figured out why everyone says to wind your own???). If you don't have an old flyback and your windings are potted inside the flyback don't worry, cause that's where you want them too. I would actually prefer a flyback with the windings potted inside so they don't get damaged.

Locating the Coils and Coil Polarity The flyback circuit diagram calls for two sets of coils: a primary coil and a feedback coil. The turn ratio is really not that critical so usually ANY two coils in the flyback primary will work.

Locate two sets of coils on the configured pins by testing the flyback pins for continuity. Often times there are more than two pins connected to a single coil in the transformer. You will need to try the different positions to see which configuration works better for your application. After you have located two independent sets of coils on your flyback, hook them up to the circuit with any polarity. If you turn on the power any you don't hear a whine or hum, try reversing the polarity (switch the leads) of ONE of the coils. If nothing now, reverse the polarity of the other coil. If nothing now, reverse the polarity on the first one you switched again.

High-power 555 Flyback Driver For Mac Pro

So the take home message is trial and error. Flybacks can be very picky as to coil polarity because some of them have a rectifier built in them. So try each configuration (8 of them with two sets of coils) until it whines (Occasionally I'll find one that doesn't wine but VERY rarely). Any two sets of coils in a potted flyback should work, so don't try new coils until you're sure you've exhausted all possible combinations. The high voltage will come out of the fat wire from the top of the flyback-usually connected to the CRT with a suction cup. You will not be able to locate the high voltage return pin with a multimeter.


The only way to do it is to bring the high voltage line down to the pins and whichever one it arcs like mad to is the one yer looking for. Try to stay away from arcing to any of the pins used for coils. High voltage is not so good for your transistor or power supply. Transistors The transistor is the little guy who does all the work in this circuit. This dude gets real hot, so you should put a heat sink on him if you use him for more than a couple seconds. Transistor selection is VERY important especially if you are using a newer flyback or any non-disc shaped secondary.


High-power 555 Flyback Driver For Macbook Pro

High-power 555 flyback driver for mac free

Typically the circuit calls for the 2N3055 power transistor. Every person that uses this transistor says that you can't use a new flyback because they don't work. Well they're right, but for the wrong reason. It's not the flyback that doesn't work, it's the transistor. The 2N3055 works well for the older disc-shaped flybacks but doesn't do jack for the new ones.

A thousand volts or so is all you'll get out of a new flyback with a 2N3055. Well then Greg, what the hell am I supposed to do? I'll tell ya's what to do.